Offshore development center

Offshore development center (ODC) is one of the business models by which a provision of offshore programming is undertaken.

An ODC is made up of a dedicated team of programmers and developers who have been hand picked to complement the customer's skill set and culture. This customized team works exclusively on behalf of the customer at the service provider's site or their own captive site in a secure environment. The infrastructure and security can be designed to meet the customer's specific standards and specifications, and may include co-branding. Indeed, the closer the synergy between an ODC and an organization's own IT/development department the better.

Process of setting up of an ODC

The initial phase is required to accomplish the infrastructure set up for the ODC - which would include setting up of the Physical Infrastructure such as Office equipment & Development Environment and also the assignment of professionals with relevant skill sets to the ODC. This phase takes around 2 – 4 weeks time. The next phase is very critical to the long term functioning of the ODC. This phase deals with setting up of a functional process, which will be implemented and improved upon throughout the life of the ODC. A detailed discussion is held to decide on the process to set up the Communication protocol, Operational efficiency/Reporting structure, Specific roles and responsibilities assigned to specific personnel. Project Delivery Methodology and the Escalation procedures.